This is a type of cabling that makes use of wired networks for high speed data transmission. Ethernet technology for laying cables is common in local area networks. LAN usually needs broadband internet as well as cable modem, DSL modem wired or wireless router. For using Ethernet on a computer the presence of an Ethernet card is required with requisite hardware and software.

Features of Ethernet cabling

Office data cabling usually consists of a connector called RJ45 which is a modular connector. This connector is similar with a telephone line connector, but in case of Ethernet cabling the connector is usually wider and larger. Such a cable is characterized by male connectors on either end. Cables are usually few feet or could be hundreds of feet, depending on the length of connection to be made. The wiring is done for such cabling by a twisted pair. Manufacturers usually twist pairs of wires which help to reduce the electromagnetic interference that bleeds into individual wires. Twisted pairs usually involve wires of same pins that could be 1 and 2, 3 and 6, 4 and 5 or 7 and 8. Other kinds of pairings are also possible.

Standards to follow

When it comes to Ethernet cabling, akin to phone line installation, there are certain wiring configurations that are set down as standards and need to be followed. Cables need to be wired in a straight across manner. Here one of the eight pins is wired directly into each other. The second form of cabling includes wiring where pins comprise of receivers and transmitters on either end.

If you are looking to get Ethernet cabling done, it is best that experienced and registered vendors are appointed for the task. The standard configurations as well as safety wiring precautions need to be known and executed well by such a vendor. Faulty wiring or setup will lead to several problems that can impair data speed and connectivity. With the right kind of setup most offices experience trouble free network connectivity between different computers. The right cable material and other components need to be as per industry standard. For any business client it is not necessary to know the wiring standards or configurations as these, need to be verified and done right by the vendor who is appointed for the task. Having a reliable service contract will ensure quality work done and prompt assistance for troubleshooting as and when issues arise. It is best that all necessary telecommunications setup is done with a reliable service vendor. This reduces cost as well.